-- Xanthelasma --
Written by DrShailesh Doshi
The term Xanthelasma is derived from Greek word xanthos meaning "yellow". Xanthelasma (or xanthelasma palpebrarum) is yellowish collection of cholesterol (Fat) underneath the skin. It can be sharply demarcated. Common site is on or around the eyelids. It is benign means non cancerous, not harmful or painful. These minor growths may be disfiguring. It can be removed surgically or by other methods.
The plural is "xanthelasmata". There may be family history of Xanthelasmata. Xanthelasmata usually indicate high cholesterol and may correlate with a risk of atheromatous disease (cholesterol building up in arteries).
Homeopathic Treatment
Though there are many medicines in Homeopathy with the help of which we can desolve the excessive fat/cholesterol in the body.
The homeopathic medicines are selected after a full individualizing case history, which includes the medical history of the patient, physical and mental constitution, family history, present complaints, past history, underlying pathology, possible causative factors, exciting factors, lifestyle, type of work, habits etc.
After studying complete history of the patient and repertorisation the medicine is to be found out which is called as constitutional remedy. It is important to give the homeopathic medicines which are constitutional or near to constitutional remedy (according to symptoms' similarity) to get positive results.